This product is an organic granular bio-fertilizer slow release that contains primary, secondary, and micro-nutrients, organic matter with available organic nitrogen sources, bio-stimulant, advance biological, humic acid, fulvic acid, mineral elements to stimulate microbial activity in plant growth, and beneficial living microorganisms throughout the growing season, no matter the crop or condition of the soil. Our product improves the bio-geochemical process such as carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, mineralization, and decomposition. It has the ability to hold, convert, stabilize and increase nitrogen in the soil. This product is easy to use for broadcasting as a direct nutrient contact to seeds and roots across the entire field.

The benefits:
- Stimulate biological activity by increasing microbial colony.
- Stimulate plant growth and increased yield
- Deliver primary nutrient source of food for plants
- Remediate salinity and heavy metal contamination in soils
- Regulate pH in acid or alkaline conditions
- Increases BRIX levels
- Increase organic matter and Carbon source
- Increase Chlorophyll Content
- Enhance natural defenses
- Improve water retention
- Improve soil structure


- Hydro: Most of all organic compound contain H atoms, which means why plants needs the H they get from water molecules throughout the photosynthesis. Hydrogen ions are vital in both aiding proton gradients to help drive the electron transport chain in photosynthesis, and for plant respiration. It is necessary for building sugar.

- Carbon: is the primary energy source and building block for plant tissues. It is converted from the simple sugar, crop residues, green manures, and animal wastes. Carbon helps plants build starches, cellulose, carbohydrates, protein, and lignin. The dry matter of plants is comprised of Carbon.

- Oxygen: is available to life on Earth to come to plants. Plants do not absorbs Oxygen from the air. Plants acquires Oxygen during the breakdown of carbon dioxide (CO2) as part of photosynthesis.

- Nitrogen is a component of vitamin, amino acid, and energy system. Nitrogen is mainly responsible for increasing protein content in plants.
- Nitrogen helps plant to utilize sunlight as an energy source to carry on essential functions such as nutrient uptake.
- Nitrogen is necessary for chlorophyll molecules, is involved in photosynthesis.
- Nitrate is very mobile in the soil and moves with soil water to roots mass for the plant absorb.
- Most P moves into the seeds, fruit, or both
- Under P deficiency, some crops, such as corn, tend to show abnormal discoloration.
- Phosphorus captures and converts the sun’s energy into useful plant compounds.
- Phosphorus promotes root development and early seedling growth.
- Phosphorus promotes early seedling growth and root development.
- Phosphorus helps to increase stalk and stem strength.
- Phosphorus improves flower formation and seed production.

- Potassium enhances many enzymes actions that aids in photosynthesis and food formation. Potassium builds cellulose and helps translocate sugars and starches. Its vital role to produce grains right in starch.
- Potassium maintains turgor and reduce water loss and writing. Increasing root growth and improving drought tolerance.
- Potassium is knows the “quality nutrient” that is effect to size, color, shape, taste, shelf life, and fiber.
- Potassium is absorbed by plants getting the high-yielding crop. Preventing diseases, insects, and pests.
- Magnesium is mobile within the plant and move rapidly from older to younger tissues.
- Magnesium capture the sun’s energy for growth and production through photosynthesis.
- Magnesium acts as a phosphorus carrier in plants and is required for better root mass.

- Sulfur is presenting in several organic compound that vie the characteristic doors to garlic, onion, and mustard.
- Sulfur presents in every living cell and is required for synthesis of certain amino acids (methionine and cysteine), and proteins.
- Sulfur is very important for the photosynthesis.
- Sulfur is still in chlorophyll formation.
- Sulfur aids in seed production.
- Leguminous plants need Sulfur for efficient nitrogen fixation.
- Calcium helps balance organic acids within the plants and activate several plant enzyme systems.
- Calcium helps form the compounds that makes part of cell walls and the plant structure.
- Calcium build yields indirectly by improving root growth conditions and stimulating microbial activity.
- Calcium helps enable nitrogen fixing bacteria.
- Calcium stimulates root and leaf development.

Crop: Daisy
Time: 10/2017
Private Trial Test