• EarthQI™ Boost is a biological slow release and water-soluble Soil Amendment that was specifically created to be diluted with water in order to produce the Liquid Concentration of Nature Vigor. Containing a 100%, all organic solution that is completely compatible with others reductions means if the need is for a liquid or granular Nitrogen-based fertilizer. The product was designed to blend perfectly with both organic and inorganic NPK fertilizers, soil amendments, as well as both soil and mulch to further enhance the microbial biodiversity and soil health to produce better crop yields.


  • EarthQI™ Boost consists of a combination in which acts as the vital agent subsidizing in plant uptake and nutrient use that is crucial for the crops health throughout the duration of the growing cycle. Nature Vigor is uniquely designed to also be used ass a coated fertilizer.


  • EarthQI™ fully understands that Soil health is fundamental to profitable and sustainable agriculture. Essential organic matter and nutrients are often times destroyed and depleted through the typical modern means of agriculture, such as over use of fertilizers, process of corrosion and run-off. EarthQI™ truly has harnessed nature’s technology to bring better and further improved means of sustainable farming practices. We have designed and created a unique and individual microbial formulation that is far superior than what we have seen. Our special formulation contains postponed organic bio-stimulants that are specifically designed to complement each other and work together in order to better the quality of the soil, plant health and vigor, as well as aid in fertility in a multitude of different ways.

The benefits:

  • Increase efficiency in crop production – a significant increase in yields
  • More effective breakdown of organic matter – greatly increase carbon and nutrient level in the soil.
  • Control/reduce salinity and heavy metals in soil.
  • Increasing drought resistance and decrease irrigation by improving moisture retention capacity in the soil.
  • Increase root vitality – better seed germination
  • Significant reduction in cost and the seed for nitrogen-based fertilizers

The Benefits

  • Greater resistance to pest and diseases
  • Increase formation of micronutrients, especially iron, which can be up-taken by plants in general.
  • Significantly increase in Brix level – great tasting produce
  • Reduce adverse environment impacts
  • Heal and protect soil for future generations
  • Easy to apply, non-toxic, non – GMOs
  • Generate more profits for farmers/users.



Nutrients and function in plants:


Nitrogen: Protein, amino acids
NPhosphorus: Nucleic acids, ATP
Potassium: Catalyst, ion transport

Secondary nutrients

Calcium: Cell wall component
Magnesium: Part of chlorophyll
Sulfur: Amino acids


Iron: chlorophyll synthesis
Copper: Component of enzymes
Manganese: Activates enzymes
Zinc: Activates enzymes
Boron: Cell wall component
Molybdenum: Involved in N fixatio
Chlorine: Photosynthesis reaction
Nickel: Activates enzymes

Private Trial Test

Crop: Wheat

Time: 09/2017


Crop: Cabbage

Time: 07/2017
