It’s no secret that across the globe growers and farmers are searching for a better, more sustainable way to produce healthier crops and higher yields. A solution that will also protect and enrich their valuable soil at the same time and protect the environment as well.
Growers also realize that using synthetic chemical fertilizers in excess is very harmful to the living breathing soil ecosystem and can reduce their yields significantly by compromising the health of their crops. They know that for healthy crops and healthy yields, it’s vital that the soil be healthy also.
EarthQI– Because Healthy Soil Needs Less Chemical Fertilizer
We’ve shown through a multitude of trials, studies, and experiments that when soil is truly healthy, it needs significantly less chemical fertilizer. With EarthQI, growers can improve their crop health and yields considerably, reduce their use of chemical fertilizers by 50% or more, and protect their valuable soil from long-term harm.
In fact, our studies have shown that using EarthQi and using 100% normal fertilization ratios at the same time actually reduces yield and is not recommended.
Simply Put, EarthQi + Less Fertilizer = Better Yields.
The reason? Because EarthQi contains billions of naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms that work with the soil and helping the roots for your crops to fully capture nutrients that are applied to it. EarthQI also unlocks nutrients that are bound in the soil making them available to your plants as well as taking nitrogen from the air and converting it into a usable plant form that they can easily absorb and utilize.
EarthQI contains only naturally and organically derived microorganisms free of synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms. The product can be safely used with any and all growing practices including those that are sustainable and /or organic. EarthQI is completely safe for humans, animals, and maybe more importantly the environment.
The end result is that EarthQI maximizes the health and efficiency of your soil so much so that a massive reduction in chemical fertilizers isn’t just necessary. It’s absolutely beneficial.
EarthQI – Reducing the Need for Chemical Fertilizer by 50, 60, 70% and More.
Multiple studies have shown that when using EarthQi, the need for chemical based fertilizers drops dramatically. For most crops, that means a 50% reduction in their use for best results, saving the soil, and saving money for growers at the same time.
For a number of crops, the reduction in the use of chemical utilizers was even more dramatic upwards of 70 and 80%.
Combined with the minimization of ecological stress on the planet and the direct saving that EarthQI delivers. Using EarthQI on your crops is absolutely an excellent choice all over the planet even in areas where soil erosion has been dramatic.
Working Together to Keep Soil Healthy, and Crops Plentiful
EarthQI microbes and other microorganisms work together to do several beneficial things for the soil.
Increase the availability of nutrients that plants can access and use
Promote overall plant health
Support plant’s natural disease resistance
Promote development of stronger, healthier roots
Help create and build a strong foundation of organic matter
EarthQI – Creating Better Healthier Soil for the Good of the Planet and Her Inhabitants.
The fact is, the soil all around us used to be absolutely teeming with vibrant life. Over the past several decades however, with the introduction and then overuse of chemical based agriculture, the vital microbes that kept the soil alive were eroded and degraded.
Here at EarthQI, our concern for the growers of the world is real, and our goal is to help them grow healthy, nutritious crops for an ever-growing population. Our concern for the environment is what drives us, and we believe we’ve created a product that serves both goals well.
EarthQI is safe, effective and sustainable. It also dramatically reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, reducing the problems that they cause, giving growers a product that works very well on many fronts and increases crop yields dramatically.
Here at EarthQI, we believe that R&D is the key to our continued growth, and to the health of the planet as well. We’ve dedicated ourselves to helping growers and distributors around the world, and meeting the need for sustainable solutions for years to come.